hurm..!? me? writing a blog? wtf?
well actually it seems like i have nothing else to do..
then wut about studies? fuck it!!
i have a problem concentrating the lectures in class
so.. its hard for me to study by myself.. i need a tutor..
not a lecturer standing in front of the class mumbling bout nuthin
but ways to make myself sleepy..
all the calculation makes me feel like counting sheeps..
really.. during my school days i was not good in physics & add maths..
but now here i am doing engineering..
ENGINEERING!!!? what the hell!!?
well its the only course offered here at the air force college..
have to go through diploma in mechanical aeronautical engineering
in order to become a military aviator.. and a leftenan in the RMAF..
if its not because of aviation, i would've not be here..
probably having fun like my friends out there hangout with buddies,
dating, watching movies, going nowhere..
but me.. my gurl dumped me just because i cant spend most of my time with her..
it feels like im living in an other world different than yours..
trapped in a prison.. sticked with a tight daily routine..
its like a curse for generations of cadets..
dumped once we stepped our feet here..
at least that's what my seniors told me..
my interest is actually.. archeology.. i was more into history during my school days..
i enjoy reading things happened in the past.. i have this curiosity in other places history, cultures, and ancient civilization.. my friends laughed at me for spending hours reading articles in wikipedia.. does it makes me a weirdo? i dont know.. i like topics like:-
wars- nanking massacre.. D-day.. japanese occupation of malaya.. american civil war..
ancient or extinct civilization- maya civ.. machu pichu.. those written in Al-Quran.. n even Bible.. persian.. roman.. greek..
and many more..
in my past, my ambition was to be an archeologist but what about job opportunity?
so i chose to be here.. the air force college.. at least i got paid to study.. yea the government pay me monthly to finish my dip.. but i have to sacrifice my wonder years.. for the sake of my future.. hell ya!
well.. thats all for now folks..
well, everything happens for a reason.
good luck.
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